5 Recovery Drinks That Won't Break The Bank

5 Recovery Drinks That Won't Break The Bank

clock-circular-outlinePosted 23 Dec 2021

Feeling a little fatigued lately? Or overindulged a bit too much this weekend? We've all been there, sometimes we fall off track with our healthy habits or overdo it in the gym, which can leave us needing to kickstart the path to recovery to get back to optimum health and good vibes.

With that in mind, we've come up with 5 power drinks to help you recover from a big training session, get you back on your A-game, and for those who've skipped the last few leg days, maybe even back to the gym?

When it comes to recovery, hydrating and energizing, there are a few ingredients that are a must, and after a season of overindulging, you'll probably need all the health kicks you can get. We’ve got a delicious lineup of drinks packed with goodness, so good that you’ll feel like you’ve got your life together after just one sip. Just scroll a little further to see our recipes for a high-protein smoothie, clean green juice, morning breakfast smoothie, brain-boosting shake, and immune-boosting smoothie.

Served in a fancy glass, you know, for the festive spirit.

5 Recovery Drinks

  • Creamy Power Shake - anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and potassium rich
  • Mocha Brain Boost - high-protein and brain-boosting
  • Chocolate n Cherry Smoothie - electrolytes and anti-oxidant rich
  • Green Energy Blend - vitamin and nutrient-dense
  • Morning Pick Me Up - energizing and balanced

Creamy Power Shake

We've got the perfect power shake to get you feeling as fabulous as you should be feeling. It contains potassium or (K), an essential mineral and electrolyte that is needed to keep your body functioning at its best. Potassium helps relay signals from the brain that trigger muscle contractions and low-blood potassium levels impair your brain's ability to relay these signals which can cause cramps and soreness.

But fear not, the muscle aches you experience after a hard workout or heavy night can be relieved by consuming foods rich in potassium, like bananas, which help to restore balance in the body. Thanks to their high carb content, bananas are a quick and easy way to recover after exercise and regulate blood-sugar levels, and a daily intake of 1.3-1.4 grams of potassium has even been linked to a lower risk of heart disease [1].

This smoothie is also packed with immune-supporting and anti-inflammatory ingredients to give you the perfect kickstart to the day. Enjoy the tang of pineapple which contains bromelain, an enzyme known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, curcumin which is found in turmeric, and gingerols in ginger which are also well known for their immune and anti-inflammatory properties.

Makes 2 Servings


  • 50g vanilla protein powder

  • 400ml coconut milk

  • 400g frozen pineapple chunks

  • 1 banana

  • 2 tsp fresh turmeric, grated (or 1 teaspoon ground turmeric)

  • 1⁄2 tsp fresh ginger, grated (or a pinch of ground ginger)


Simply blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

Nutrition per serving 273kcal, Total Fat 3.5g of which saturates 2.9g, Carbohydrates 37g of which sugars 34g, Protein 21g, Fibre 3.4g

Mocha Brain Boost

Whether you've spent the weekend chilling in front of the TV for hours, or socializing and non-stop chatting, it can be a lot of mental stimulation. It might be a good time to give your noggin a bit of a break, and a bit of a boost. We're sure you probably know the benefits of protein by now (which this smoothie is packed with), especially if you're into conditioning. But are the benefits of Lion's Mane mushroom on your radar?

This particular fungus has been studied for its ability to support neuron health and growth, and boost your immune system [2]. Since the holidays can be a time where you relax your usual healthy habits, you might find yourself needing an extra energy boost, and this amazing rejuvenation smoothie will do just that.

Packed with a host of protein-rich ingredients, this creamy high-protein smoothie is a nutritious no-brainer for recovery (pardon the pun). If you want to branch out into the fungus-sphere, you can also find mixed medicinal mushroom powders which are equally delicious.

Makes 1 serving


  • 30g chocolate protein powder

  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder

  • 1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1tbsp almond nut butter

  • 1 tbsp xylitol, erythritol, or honey to taste

  • 2 tsp lion’s mane mushroom powder or medicinal mushroom powder or 1⁄2 tsp tincture

  • 150ml hot or cold brewed organic coffee, yerba mate or green tea

  • 150ml almond milk


  • Simply blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

  • You can serve this warm using hot coffee if you wish.

Nutrition per serving 210kcal, Total Fat 13g of which saturates 2.7g, Carbohydrates 19g of which sugars 0.8g, Protein 8.1g, Fibre 5.1g

Chocolate n Cherry Smoothie

Birthdays, holidays, and celebrations are times when alcohol is often consumed, and what is often predictable when drinking alcohol is dehydration. There are ways you can prevent it like making sure you've eaten a well-balanced meal, taking it slow, making sure you're drinking water in between drinks, and knowing your limits. But in case you've forgotten to do all of those, and you find yourself feeling parched in the morning and feeling a bit rougher than usual, then we've got just the trick - electrolytes!

Used by athletes to help rebalance fluid levels in the body and aid muscle contraction, electrolytes are a powerhouse for recovery. The electrolytes from the coconut water make this smoothie a hydration station and as well as their anti-oxidant properties, cherries have been found to have the ability to support recovery [3]. We've coupled the cherries with chocolate protein powder to create that black forest gateau taste (we're not saying goodbye to the desserts just yet).

Makes 1 Serving


  • 30g chocolate protein powder

  • 200ml coconut water

  • 100ml pomegranate juice

  • 2g / 1⁄2 tsp super berry powder

  • 100g frozen pitted cherries


  • Simply blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

Nutrition per serving 243kcal, Total Fat 3.4g of which saturates 1.5g, Carbohydrates 30g of which sugars 28g, Protein 21g, Fibre 3.4g

Green Energy Blend

Need a drink to kick you back into gear? Then you're going to want to carry on reading, as we've got a feel-good refresher for those morning-after moments. Light and refreshing, this juice is packed with electrolytes and B vitamins to help hydrate and energize the body. Leafy greens provide a heavy dosage of nutrients, and with the cucumber and apple, you're also looking at a whole load of hydration here.

It's important to keep hydrated every day as it is key for a healthy functioning body. Lemon juice and ginger join the team here as a winning combo rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Juicing your greens is one way to get them down in one go, and the high-water content is a plus, especially if you’re suffering from an overindulgence-induced headache.

Makes 1 Serving


  • 10g large handful of spinach

  • 30g cucumber

  • 120g / 1⁄2 small avocado, peeled and stoned

  • 6 mint leaves

  • Juice of 1 lime / 30ml

  • 2 kiwi fruit, peeled

  • 10g cashew nut butter

  • 300ml coconut water

  • 1 tsp super green blend e.g chlorella/moringa/ProGreens etc

  • Optional 2 ice cubes


  • Simply blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately

Nutrition per serving 226kcal, Total Fat 15g of which saturates 3g, Carbohydrates 16g of which sugars 15g, Protein 3.5g, Fibre 3.8g

Morning Pick Me Up

Picture this, a blush of pink smoothie in your favorite glass in the morning, filled with enough goodness to keep you going for hours. That's the Morning Pick Me Up speaking, a blended concoction of berries, oats, and cinnamon in a glass makes this the perfect breakfast shake.

With plenty of fiber and slow-releasing carbs, this is a great smoothie for sustained energy. The blueberries provide a healthy dose of antioxidants, crucial for fighting harmful free radicals, whilst the walnuts and chia seeds both contain healthy fats, fiber, and an array of minerals to keep your body in tip-top condition.

Makes 2 Servings


  • 100g blueberries

  • 100g banana

  • 1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 50g scoop vanilla protein powder

  • 20g walnuts

  • 20g oats

  • 4g chia seeds

  • 300ml Coconut milk or other milk


Simply blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

Nutrition per serving 286kcal, Total Fat 12g of which saturates 2.3g, Carbohydrates 26g of which sugars 12g, Protein 15g, Fibre 6.8g


Got some culinary skills worth showing off? Tweet us at @GymsharkCentral!

Keep your eyes peeled for more healthy recipes on Gymshark Central, along with many articles on health and conditioning.


[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21371638/

[2] https://examine.com/supplements/lionsmane/research/#interactions-with-neurology_cognition

[3] https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/news-events/news/cherry-juice-research/

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